Compensation Amount

In the bustling streets of Manhattan's Upper West Side, our client's routine day took a heart-wrenching turn.

Our client, a man in his 80s, was tragically struck by a delivery truck that was recklessly backing up through a crosswalk. The severe impact resulted in an "open-book" pelvis injury, and sadly, he didn't survive the ordeal.

In New York, wrongful death claims are limited to conscious pain and suffering and pecuniary (financial) loss. Since our client was retired, our task was primarily to establish the level of pre-death pain and suffering. At Raphaelson & Levine, we committed to pursuing justice for this grievous loss.

Collaborating with forensic pathologists, we established the heartbreaking truth that our client had suffered intensely for 17 minutes before his tragic death. Thanks to the persistent efforts of Andrew Levine and Dario Martinez, we were able to secure a $1.7 million settlement for the bereaved family.

While no amount can ever replace a loved one, this settlement is record-setting within the confines of New York’s wrongful death law, serving as a tribute to our client's memory.If you have lost a loved one due to someone else's negligence, you don't have to navigate this painful path alone.

Contact Raphaelson & Levine today and let us help you seek the justice your loved one deserves.

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No Fees Unless We Win.

Overwhelmed with medical expenses, lost wages, pain, & suffering? Don't settle with an insurance company for less than you deserve. We're here for you.
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30 years of experience getting maximum compensation for our clients (up to 45X more than your initial offer)
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Raphaelson & Levine Law Firm, P.C.
14 Penn Plaza Suite 1718
New York, NY 10122